lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Pixie Learns to Jump

Pixie watched the other ponies leap over the brook and sighted. She wishes she could jump too, but she was afraid.
"You go on," Pixie's mum called to the rest of the herd. "I'll wait for Pixie."
"Okay," called Pixie's big brother. "Last one to the fallen oak is a donkey!"
"Why can't I jump?" wailed Pixie.
"You can," said mum gently. "You just need to learn. Try jumping over that little branch over there."
Pixie looked at the branch, took a deep breath, and rushed at it. WHOOPS! She tripped over and fell flat on her nose.
"You need to slow down," smiled mum, trotting over.
"Whatch me... Take it steady, don't panic, then glide over."
The next time, Pixie copied her mum and sailed over the branch with ease.
She whinnied merrily as she jumped the branch again and again. Then, when she was feeling really brave, she jumped over the brook.
"Last one to the fallen oak is a donkey!" she neighed.

To leap over /liːp  ˈəʊvəʳ/ saltar sobre algo
Afraid /əˈfreɪd/ adj. tener miedo de
Go on /gəʊ  ɒn/vb. seguir, continuar
Oak /əʊk/ n. roble
Branch /brɑːntʃ/ n. rama
Breath /breθ/ n. respiración, inhalación, exhalación
To trip over /trɪp  ˈəʊvəʳ/ 
To slow down /sləʊ  daʊn/ vb. disminuir la velocidad, desacelerar
To glide /glaɪd/ vb. planear, deslizarse
To whinny /ˈwɪnɪ/ vb, relinchar
Merry /ˈmerɪ/ adj. alegre, feliz, contento
Brook /brʊk/ nvb. tropezarse
To fall /fɔːl/ vb, caer. riachuelo, arroyo
To neigh /neɪ/ vb, relinchar

Fuente: A story a day. Animal stories and rhymes.

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