lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

6th Grade Primary - In the garden

Class book page 6
Activity book page 7


Cut the grass /kʌt ðə grɑːs/ Cortar el cesped
Dig a hole /dɪg ə həʊl/  Cavar un agujero/hoyo
Eat a carrot /iːt ə ˈkærət/ Comer una zanahoria
Feed the birds /fiːd ðə b3ːds/ Alimentar a los pájaros
Make a window box /meɪk ə ˈwɪndəʊ bɒks/ Hacer una jardinera
Pick the strawberries /pɪk ðə ˈstrɔːbərɪs/ Coger fresas
Plant the seeds /plɑːnt ðə siːds/ Plantar semillas
Water the flowers /ˈwɔːtəʳ ðə ˈflaʊəʳs/ Regar las flores

Are you eating a carrot? Yes, I am
Is she cutting the grass? No, she isn't
Is he making a window box? Yes, he is
Is it digging? No, it isn't
Are you planting seeds? Yes, I am
Is she picking strawberries? No, she isn't
Is he feeding the birds? Yes, he is

Fuente: Explorers 6 OXFORD

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